NEW! Gallery Page Videos

NEW! Gallery Page Videos

Have you ever wondered what the benefits of updating your hardwood flooring might look like? Take a look at our Gallery Page videos and imagine the added beauty and value of refinishing or installing new hardwood flooring in YOUR home will be!

At Gehrke’s Hardwood Flooring, we foster a great appreciation for the art of woodworking and live to craft beautiful floors. We’ve mastered selection and the arrangement of grain patterns for a finished product that lends itself to pure artistry.

Visit our new Gallery Page and request a no obligation quote by filling out the form below.

As a retired corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps, President Joseph Gehrke is steadfast in delivering top-quality work. Over the past 30 years, Joe has mastered the art and science of custom woodwork including intricate inlays, borders, corners, finishes and beautiful accents.
His promise is to offer every home greater style and elegance with high-quality custom hardwood floors, built to last from generation to generation.

    Schedule Your Free Consultation

    Get in touch with us today. Let's explore your options on designing and building your new hardwood floors.